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From 1969 to 1972, Lee attended Ryerson Polytechnic Institute in Toronto, Canada to study photography. During his freshman year, he won the grand prize for the Ryerson Photographic Award amongst all the students in the school. After studying psychology at the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom, in 1977, he started the Benjamin Lee Studio in Soho, London, United Kingdom. While working with global advertising agencies, he began taking portraits of renowned individuals, including hat designer Stephen Jones, lead developer of the hydrogen bomb Edward Teller, violinist Yehudi Menuhin, Sir Henry Moore, Sir John Hegerdy, fashion designer Bruce Oldfield, Sir Charles Saatchi, and fashion designer Manolo Blahnik. In 1987, he moved to Japan and was introduced by the president of the Royal Academy, Sir Hugh Casson, to Shikanai Nobutaka, CEO of Fuji Sankei Group and founder of the Hakone Open Air Museum, and photographed him. He was also commissioned by British Vogue to photograph fashion designer Rei Kawakubo, designer Issei Miyake, architect Arata Isozaki, designer Eiko Ishioka, and architect Ando Tadao. In 1989, he photographed sculptor Churyo Sato. In 1996, he exhibited “The World of Churyo Sato” at Fujita Vente in Tokyo. Lee then published his own photo series: “Odyssey.” He exhibited at the Canadian Embassy in Tokyo and Isamu Noguchi Plaza in Sogetsu Hall. In 2010, Lee exhibited the Churyo Sato exhibition at the Miyagi Museum of Art. In 2012, Yayoi Kusama appointed him as her main photographer for magazines features. He photographed New York and Dubai for Kateigaho’s Travel Story series and also photographed one hundred top artists from all over the world for Pen Magazines’s new book, “The Creative Place.” In 2014, Lee made the Universe of an Imagination Exhibition of Yayoi Kusama and published a catalogue of his works featuring Yayoi Kusama.

Lee received the British Design Art Direction Award twice, and also the grand prize in the Ilford Portrait Photo Contest.
His published works include “Odyssey” and Pen Magazines’s “The Creative Place” featuring one hundred top artists.

1969~72年、トロント(カナダ)のライアーソン・ポリテクニカル・インスティテュートで写真を学ぶ。 1年生で写真コンテストで全校生徒の中から一等賞を受賞。その後、世界屈指の名門オックスフォード大学で心理学を学ぶ。 1977年、英国ロンドンのソーホー地区にベンジャミン・リー・スタジオを設立。グローバル企業の広告写真を手がける一方で、彫刻家ヘンリー・ムーアなどの著名人の肖像を撮影。 1987年、日本に拠点を移し、ロイヤル・アカデミーの会長、建築家・ヒュー・キャッソンの紹介を受け、鹿内信孝(フジサンケイグループ会議会長、箱根彫刻の森美術館を設立)を撮影する。 英国ヴォーグ雑誌に委託され、デザイナー/川久保玲、デザイナー/三宅一生、建築家/磯崎新、アートディレクター/石岡瑛子、作家/村上春樹、建築家/安藤忠雄などを撮影。 日本の文化人たちの肖像を撮り始め、1989年から彫刻家/佐藤忠良氏を撮影。1996年、東京フジタ・ヴァンテで「彫刻家佐藤忠良の世界」開催。写真集「Odyssey(オデッセイ)」出版。 カナダ大使館で個展を開催し、2002年には勅使河原宏と話し、イサム・ノグチプラザで草月会館などで個展。2010年、宮城県美術館にて佐藤忠良の写真展開催。 2012年 ムック本「草間彌生を知りたい」メイン・フォトグラファー。世界各地を取材した雑誌・家庭画報の「トラベルストーリー」シリーズ(ニューヨークとドバイ)とともに、 雑誌『Pen』に「創造の現場」と題して100人の世界のトップ・アーティストを撮影し連載。2014年には、草間彌生の「とこしえの愛の部屋」展示会を開催し、カタログも出版。草間彌生と建築家・隈研吾は、 誰よりも撮影した写真家であります。





Studied photographic arts at Ryerson Polytechnical Institute, Toronto. Receives first prize in photo competition. Fascinated by the work of Irving Penn, Andre Kertez, Cartier-Bresson, Avedon, and Eugene Smith.



Spends 10 months traveling through Spain, France, Switzerland, Monte Carlo, Holland, West Germany, Luxembourg, Andorra, Corsica.



Receives Canadian Arts Council Grant to photograph Brighton, England. Takes residence in London and starts apprenticeship to various top class Photographers. Meets and works with some of the best design and advertising talent in London.



Establish Benjamin Lee Studio in London. Photographs mining in Wales for National Geographic Magazine, photographs Sir Hugh Casson, Sir Hans Krebs, Sir Julian Huxley for Nova Magazine, commissioned by W.H.O. to photograph Henry Moore, sculptor, Yehudi Menuhin, violinist, Larry Adler, classical harmonica player, and Edward Teller, nuclear physicist.



Receive advertising commissions from Carlsberg Beer, National Panasonic, Olivetti, Olympus, Brazilian Coffee, Bayer, etc.



Goes to the Cannes Film Festival and does a series of personal photographs for exhibition. Receives British Design and Art Direction Award for work on Nova Magazine.



Receives 2nd British Designer and Art Direction Award.



Receives Ilford Advertising Award for portrait of famous hat designer, Stephen Jones, the first triptych with 6x17 Linhof Technorarma. Continue to photograph some of London's best fashion designers with triptych style. Receive first commission from Vogue to photograph Ivo Pogoreleich, classical pianist.



Exhibition at Hamilton Gallery, London's best photographic gallery. Hamilton's purchases one of Cannes Film Festival photographs.



Decides to visit and photograph Japan. Meets Nobutaka Shikanai, President of Fuji Sankei at Hakone Open Air Museum by way of introduction from Sir Hugh Casson, President of The Royal Academy, Mr. Shikanai purchases my portrait of himself, Receive commission to do portraits of Hiroshi Teshigahara and Kenzo Tange. Introduced to Minoru Ohnishi, President of Fuji Film Co., who likes my triptych style and receive commission to do portraits of him. Fuji Film has since become my good sponsor.



Commissions from Valentino and Hanae Mori to photograph brochures. Does photography for PHP Intersect covers, annual reports for Mitsui OSK, Nihon Keizai Shimbun Inc., and Minolta Inc.



Exhibition at Dentsu Art Gallery, Ginza, sponsored by Fuji Fuji Co. Profiled by Commercial Photo, Intro Japan, Sony, PHP Intersect, Hotshoe International(London), Direction Magazine(London), Spanish Vogue, Photographs L'lnhumaine project at Bunkamura for Eiko Ishioka, Issey Miyake, meets Churyo Sato, Japan's most talented and international sculptor and begins photographing him.



Receives Silver Prize from Roden Stock/Pentax Competition for triptych portrait of designer, Philippe Starck. Photograph The Greening of The World Concert at Tokyo Dome to celebrate John Lennon's 50th birthday. Meeting Yoko Ono and son, Sean. Sean's portrait is used for the cover story of Esquire Japan. Photographs various Japanese personalities for special issue about Japan for Spanish Vogue.



Go to Hong Kong to do story for A.N.A Airlines about the Hong Kong millionaires and in December to Sweden to photograph the designers of Sweden. Continue photographing various personalities, Juzo Itami, Toru Takemitsu, Shinobu Sato, Tadanori Yokoo, and Yoko Yamamoto for Imperial Hotel magazine.



Visit Beijing, China to do story about Chinese musicians. Meets and photographs Madame Song, owner of Maxim's Beijing and also photographs the Great Wall of China. Spends one week in Venezia doing personal photographs of the city. 5-piece panoramic portrait used by Fuji Film Co. for their promotion at Photokina, Cologne, Germany.



Photograph various architects, Tadao Ando, Kazuo Shinohara, Fumihiko Maki,Arata Isozaki for Spanish Vogue. Arranged interview with Sir Richard Rodgers Concerning the rebuilding of Shanghai. Photograph Issey Miyake, Eiko lshioka, Rei Kawakubo for British Vogue.



Receives Grand Prix from Nikkei Advertising Award for Toyota campaign. Photographs Elizabeth Taylor for Art Against Aids campaign Televised interview 30minutes on WOWOW with Chris Pepler concerning my Personal Triptych technique. Becomes very interested in Surrealism and begins studying Magritte, Fornasetti, Dali, Picasso, intensively. Goes to Paris to photograph Miarie Mitterand’s wedding. Meets Francois Mitterand, President.



Photograph Maggie Hunt, Princess Diana's make-up artist and interviewed Lord Snowdon for Seven Seas Magazine. Collaborating with international catalyst, Noriko Sakayori to develop new projects. Receives Japan Photo Biennale '95 Award. Commissioned by Vogue to photograph Sir Anthony Caro, England's top sculptor, with Tadao Ando, who designs the installation for the exhibition at Museum OF Contemporary Art TOKYO.



Photography of advanced design center for Mercedes Benz Japan. Photography of Takeo Kikuchi for his special 12th year Anniversary Fashion Event. Create a 2 meter by 6 meter photo-mural for Gifu Toyota Car Body K.K. The World of Sato Churyo, Sculptor Exhibition at Fujita Vente Museum. This show was a big success and was interviewed by NHK-3, Fuji TV and NHK-S. Receives Nikkei Advertising Award for Toyota campaign. Begins photographing various creative people such as Emi Wada, Shigeo Fukuda, Koshiro Matsumoto, Iri and Toshi Maruki, Kazuko Koike, Kenzo, etc. for Canada embassy show July'97.Photographs make up artist Shu Uemura for his corporate campaign. Shu Uemura loves the portraits and sponsors our portrait exhibition at the Canada embassy Juiy 1997.



Began photographing various personalities such as Issey Miyake, Chikushi Tetsuya, Rei Kawakubo, Emi Wada, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Richard Bohringer, Kenzo etc. The Canada embassy show was sponsored by Shu Uemura and Misawa Homes July-August 1997. The exhibition was well received and NHK-S and Fuji TV featured our interview and show. Two large photos were purchased by film director, Hiroshi Teshigahara and artist, Hiro Yamagata. Then to Beijing film studios to join The First Emperor crew for 5 months at various locations in China, shooting 9000 images from Sept. 1996 to Feb. 1997. Chen Kaige, China's top film director, he was making a movie about Qin-Shi Huang, China's first Emperor, 221 BC, It was the largest movie shot in China with a $60 million budget, distributed by Sony USA, Canal plus France and Nippon Herald, Japan. Went to Hong Kong lo photograph fashion designer, Joyce Ma, Dickson Poon and David Tang for Harpers Bazaar NYC,


「始皇帝暗殺」撮影現場の写真が香港、日本、韓国で初公開される。群馬県桐生市で「8 1/2ウーメン」を制作中のピーター・グリナウェイ監督とワダ工ミを撮影。鍋島直正の磁器を撮影。

Returned from China and started editing photographs of The First Emperor, Hong Kong, Premiere Japan and Premiere Korea published Benjamin Lee's movie Photographs. Worked with Peter Greenaway and Emi Wada in Kiryu and photographed for the making of 8 1/2 women. Photographed porcelain for Naomasa Nabeshima. Nabeshima's family has been making the best porcelain in Japan for the imperial family. Went to Saga to advise him on the preservation of his family's antique photographs, Pacific Press Service produced Benjamin Lee's portraits show in Keihan Osaka gallery.



Photographed 15 President of Misawa Homes for brochure. Went to NYC to do story c/o 3 affluent American family and their country life style for Katei Gaho, photographed Nicole Bulgari for GQ Japan.



Went to Kauai for ANA airline magazine to photograph the locations where South Pacific, Blue Hawaii, Indiana Jones, Jurassic Park were filmed. Also photographed the best hotels in Kauai. Spend 3 weeks in Havana and Trinidad, Cuba with Louis Vigden, president of Cigar club in Japan (largest importer of Cuban cigars importing to Japan), meet some of Cuba's top artists such as Nelson Domingeus, Zaida del Rio, Frank Fernandez, etc., visited the Partagas and Cohiba cigar factories plus Pinar de Rio Cuba. It is the best tobacco production area. Visit Ernest Hemingway's home and photographed Gregorio Fuentes, 105years old, Hemingway's fishing captain, Flew to Hvahine and Bora Bora, Tahiti for 2 weeks, photographing Tahiti's best resorts. Went to Los Angeles to photograph Hiro Yamagata's laser show, met Michael Chow, Gwyneth Paltrow, Frank Gehry and Vidal Sassoon. Benjamin Lee was requested by U.T.B. Television to have interview in Los Angeles.



Started work for Starwood Hotels with Global Sales manager, Michael Kondo, Planned to cover the expansion of W hotels, new modern concept hotel, in NYC. Photographed Francesco Clemente in NYC for 20 pages and cover of GQ Japan. Returned to NYC to shoot architectural designer, Frank Gehry, Richard Meier, I.M.Pei, Philippe Starck Those designers were chosen for Japanese edition of Esquire.



Publishes first book, Photographic Odyssey. Goes to Barcelona, Seville, Cordoba to do lifestyle story for Arigatt. Commissioned by Harpers Bazaar Japan to do story c/o Richard Avedon's Show at Metropolitan Museum of Art N.Y.C.. Creates a multi dimensional show of photos and textile at lsamu Noguchi Plaza, Sogetsu Kaikan dedicated to the memory of Hiroshi Teshigahara.


トラベルフォトストーリーとして、パリ、ロンドン、香港、トルコのイスタンブールNYマンダリンオリエンタルホテルなどを訪ねる。世界のフィッシングストーリーとして、なべしまなおまさ氏、浜野よしひろ氏と共にシベリアのKoppi川に冒険取材を行う。モリジブにある世界の高級リゾートホテル ワン アンド オンリー リゾート(本社ロンドン)の2つのホテルReethi RahとKanukuraを滞在撮影。世界に2台しか存在しない20インチ×40インチの珍しいポラロイドカメラを使用しての撮影。ポラロイドカメラ社スポンサーの写真展を行う。汐留にあるイタリアの老舗レストラン(BICE)において、ポートレイトの写真展を各国大使、大使館員の方々やプリンセス高円宮久子様もご臨席いただき盛大に行われた。㈱桑山の高級ジュエリーブランド・DIADDICTのスペシャルイベントを internationalがプロデュースし、ファッションモデルを使ったダイヤモンドジュエリーのディレクション、撮影をベンジャミンリーが全て実施した。世界で一番のエメラルドディーラーであるコロンビアにお住いのエメラルドカウボーイ(通称)のMrはやたに会う。CNN LONDONの人気番組‘ビジネス トラベラー’において東京におけるベンジャミンリーの最も好む場所をベンジャミンリーがゲストナビゲーターとなり紹介した。中国の最先端のCM・ADマガジンに、ベンジャミンリーの特集企画として12ページにわたり紹介された。イタリアのブランドファッションメーカーゼニアの新しい靴のプロモーションイベントをハネザワガーデンにおいて行う。元横綱の千代の富士氏、加藤タキ氏、指揮者の井上道義氏、タレントの石田純一氏などセレブリティーのお客様をたくさんお招きして写真撮影は全てベンジャミンリーがディレクション実施する。

Photographing travel stories in Paris / London / Hongkong / Instanbul Turkey / Mandarin orienral in N.Y.C Adventure to Koppi River / Siberia with Naomasa Nabeshima + Yoshihiro Hamano for a fishing story. Visit One & Only resorts in Maldives to promote 2 resorts, Reethi Rah & Kanukura, Do two shows sponsored by Polaroid using their special 20" x 24"polaroid camera. Create experimental solarized images by mobile phone +00 a show. Exhibition of portraits at Bice / Shiodome with many ambassadors & Princess Takamado attending. Photography of model with diamonds from DIADDICT for their special event. meet Mr.Hayata. the Emerald Cowboy, from Colombia, the biggest emerald dealer in the world. Appear on CNN London / Business traveller to introduce my favorite places in Tokyo. China commercial photo magasine feature 12 pages of my portraits.


HACギャラリー(東京・青山)にて‘ODYSSEY SURREAL’をプリンセス高円宮久子様ご臨席のもと開催。ボラボラ、タヒチ、ドバイ、オーストラリアのヘイマン島などをトラベルストーリー取材撮影の為訪問。扶桑社マガジン(Luci)にNYファッションストーリーの撮影、取材。

Exhibition at H.A.C Gallery, Aoyama, Tokyo / ODYSSEY SURREAL attended by Princess Takamado. Visit Bora Bora Tahiti / Dubai / Hayman Island, Australias most luxurious resort for travel stories 10pages of fashion in N.Y.C for Fushosha.


10月1日から11月1日、FCCJ(日本外国特派員協会:東京 有楽町、TEL 03-3211-3161)にて写真展を実施。

Visited NTC / Tanglewood W / international producer Noriko Sakayori...met/photographed Victoria Lu/curator of Shanghai Moca/Pearl Lam/Art collector at Shanghai Biennare W/Writer Sweedy Von Soul...visited 798 Art direct Beijing Meeting various ... photographed Toshi Kokubun CEO of Earth Company in Paris/London/French Riviera.


森美術館で展覧会開催中のアーティスト、アイウェイウェイを撮影。2009年9月よりさかよりのりこの企画プロデュース、コーディネートにより、雑誌penの「アーティスト、クリエーターの「創造の現場」project」撮影取材開始。井上道義、熊川哲也、坂茂、横尾忠則、蜷川幸雄・・・。2010年7月4日より~12月23まで、宮城県美術館の佐藤忠良記念館20周年記念、特別企画展として「写真家ベンジャミン・リーの見た彫刻家 佐藤忠良」開催。日本橋小津和紙の協賛を得、和紙を使用。テキスタイルアーティストの山口英夫も参画。香港のアートフェア等取材。香港で国際派実業家Sir.デービット・タンはじめ多くのセレブと交流。Sir.デービット・タンの新刊書の表紙に、ベンジャミン・リー撮影のポートレイト使用。上海EXPO、上海ビエンナーレ等取材。

Photographed Ai Weiwei at his show at the Mori Art Museum/Tokyo...photographing many interesting Japanese personalties such as Michiyoshi Inoue/conducter Tadanobu Asano/actor Tetsuya Kumakawa/ballet dancer Shigeru Ban/architect Yokoo Tadanori/artist Yukio Ninagawa/theatre director/etc. for pen magazine/produced by L'studio international/Noriko Sakayori...July to December 2010 photograph exhibition of Churyo Sato/famous sculptor at Miyagi Museum of Art Sendai/working with special washcompany/Ozuwashi of Nihonbashi & textile artist/Hideo Yamaguchi...going to France to photograph special Takashi Murakami exhibition at versailles ... Visiting Ilaria Venturini Fendi in Rome ... Visited HongKong Artfair w/Marcestal...wonderful painter Francais ... Meeting Sir David Tang/Baz Luhrmann/Zhang Xiaogang/Fang Lijun/Alan Chan...Benjamins portrait of Sir David was used for the cover of his new book. ...Visiting the Shanghai EXPO & Shanghai Biennale.


ペン・マガジンの本「創造の現場」の写真家として俳優・渡辺謙、建築家・伊東豊雄、建築家・隈研吾、アーティスト・草間彌生、靴デザイナー/クリスチャン・ルブタン、ビジュアルプロデューサー/ジャン・ポール・グード、香水デザイナー/セルジュ・ルタンス、アーティスト/李 禹煥、アーティスト蔡 國強などを撮影。

Photographed actor Ken Watanabe, architect Toyo Ito, architect Kengo Kuma, artist Yayoi Kusama, shoe designer Christian Louboutin, visual producer Jean Paul Goude, perfume designer Serge Lutens, artist Lee U Fan, artist Cai Guo Qiang, etc, for Pen Magazine.
Visited Las Pozas, Xilitia, Mexico, where Sir Edward James’ surrealist garden is located.
Created the exhibition at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan for the Embassy of Mexico.Visited Art Basel Hong Kong in May and Paris Photo in November.


パリのポンピドゥーセンター、ロンドンのテートモダン、ニューヨークのMOMA、長野の松本美術館、大阪の国立美術館で草間彌生のショーを撮影。 ディスカバー・ジャパンは草間彌生の全刊を発行し、丸の内クラブで展覧会を行い、特集を発表。

アートバーゼル香港を訪れ、アートフェア香港の創設者であるティム・エッチェルズ、最大の現代中国美術コレクションの所有者/ウリ・シッグ、アーティストの方力鈞、建築家のザハ・ハディッドに会う。 2012年5月にペン・マガジンでデザイナー兼アーティストのアラン・チャンと上海当代芸術館のキュレーター、ビクトリア・ルーを撮影。

パリ・フォトのVIPオープニングを訪れ、Vogue Italyの編集長、フランカ・ソザンニ、ファッションデザイナーのポール・スミス、パリの写真家デービッド・ハミルトン、アーティスト/サビーヌ・ピガール、Zigariの創設者/バルタバス、シェフのアラン・デゥカス、アーティストのJMオソニールを撮影し、写真がペン・マガジンに掲載。コレットでの本のサイン会でケイト・モスに会い、ポンピドゥーセンターでのサルバドール・ダリのショーのオープニングパーティーに出席。

Photographed Yayoi Kusama three times in her studio for Discover Japan, Fujingaho, Pen,and in New York City at her grand launch for Louis Vuitton and Yayoi Kusama’s fashion collaboration which was the worldwide opening of her Whitney Museum show. Photographed her shows in Centre Pompidou in Paris, Tate Modern in London, MOMA in New York, Matsumoto Museum in Nagano, and the National Museum in Osaka. Discover Japan published a complete issue on Yayoi Kusama and we did an exhibition at the Marunouchi Club to launch the special issue.
Visited Art Basel Hong Kong and met the founder of Art Fair Hong Kong, Tim Etchells, the owner of the largest contemporary Chinese art collection, Uli Sigg, artist Fang Lijun, and architect Zaha Hadid. I photographed designer and artist, Alan Chan, and the curator of the Shanghai MOCA l,Victoria Lu, for Pen Magazine in May 2012.
Visited London in June 2012 and photographed the photographer, David Bailey, Princess Diana’s makeup artist, Maggie Hunt, owner of Hamilton photography gallery Tim Jeffries, the best British jewelry designer, Stephen Webster, artist Polly Morgan, and the founder of Art Fair Hong Kong,Tim Etchells for Pen Magazine.
Visited the VIP opening of Paris Photo and met the Editor in Chief of Vogue Italy, Franca Sozzani,fashion designer Sir Paul Smith, photographer David Hamilton in Paris, artist Sabine Pigalle,founder of Zigari, Bartabas, chef Alain Ducasse, and artist J.M. Othoniel for Pen Magazine. Met Kate Moss at the book signing at Colettes and attended the opening party of the Salvador Dali show at the Pompidou Center.


特別なシュールレアリストの写真集「Paraplules West Minister Bridge」を作成。11月にはパリ・フォトを訪問。ヴォーグ・イタリアの編集長であるアズディン・アライア、フランコ・ソザンニ、ハミルトン・ギャラリーのティム・ジェフリーズに会う。
ディディエ・ヴァン・コーウェラートの「La Dictionaire de l’impossible」の本のサイン会と、アトリエ・アライアでの写真撮影のためのパーティーに出席。

Photographed musician Ryuichi Sakamoto, gallery owner Guy Perrotin, artist Zhang Xiao Gang, photographer Kishin Shinoyama, theater director Yukio Ninagawa, architect Ando Tadao,photographer Hiroshi Sugimoto, and former Prime Minister Morihiro Hosokawa.Visited Art Basel Hong Kong and attended a special party for super model Kate Moss at the China Club hosted by Sir David Tang for 120 people including Roman Abramovich, Richard Li, curator of the Tate Modern, Francis Morris, film producer Pia Getty, artist Jake Chapman, and gallery owner Jay Joplins.
Visited London and photographed photographer Terry O’Neill, artists Lagland and Bell, principal dancer of Royal Ballet, Steven MacRae, and CEO of the Royal Academy Charles S. Smith.Created special surrealist photographs, “Paraplules West Minister Bridge”.
Visited Paris Photo in November. Met Azzedine Alaia, editor in chief of Vogue Italy Franco Sozanni, and Tim Jeffries of Hamilton gallery.
Attended Foundation Cartier Party, Latin America, Dior exhibition at Grand Palais, and joined opening party, Les Arts Decoratif, for renowned graphic designer Philippe Apeloig.
Attended book signing of Didier Van Cauwelaert’s “La Dictionaire de l’impossible” and party at Atelier Alaia for photography.
Photographed chocolatier Patrick Roger and violist Ivory Gitlist for Pen Magazine.
Received a wonderful 1965 photographic portrait of Salvador Dali as a gift fro Marie Goldenberg.



Portrait Book includes British photographer David Bailey, architect Kengo Kuma, Shigeru Ban, Ando Tado, Yayoi Kusama, Alain Ducasse, Alan Chan, Stephen Webster, Tim Jefferies of Hamilton Gallery, Guy Perrotin, and Kaws.
Visited Paris Photo, met Calude Picasso who loved my cubist portrait of his father, Pablo Picasso,and photographed Princess Belquis Zahir of Afghanistan at Parisian brasseries.
Produced The Universe of an Imagination Exhibition concerning Yayoi Kusama and her art at Gallery Gyre in Omotesando, Tokyo.
Created the Tokyo Lobster Society, a group of crustacean loving artists, as a source of inspiration and exchange of ideas amongst artists.



Visited Art Basel Hong Kong and photographed Sir David Tang, Grimanesa Amoros, Fengzi Zhang, Xiaogang Zhang, Pearl Lam, Victoria Lu, and Ai Weiwei. Photographed Dubai, the ultra modern Middle Eastern city for 20 pages of magazine, Kateigaho. Visited Paris Photo and met Elliot Erwitt, Sebastian Salgado, Karl Lagerfeld, and Jean Paul Goude. Had a portrait done by surrealist painter, Dr. Nguyen Dang.
Held an exhibition with Princess Hisako Takamado, called Portraits in the Sky.



Visited Art Basel Hong Kong and created a special event for Union Bank of Switzerland UBS at Spiral Hall. My Yayoi Kusama silkscreen was purchased by UBS. Held a group exhibition in London with David Bailey and 10 British artists at the Oxo Gallery.
Visited Paris Photo and met Claude Picasso, Bruce Weber, Sarah Moon, and Elliot Erwitt. Inspired by the conversation I had with Claude Picasso, I decided to create a post modern cubist portrait of his father, Pablo Picasso.



Visited Art Basel Hong Kong as a guest of UBS, the sponsor, and enjoyed meeting artists at the UBS VIP lounge. Was a special guide to Pierre de Gaulle, grandson of ex president of France,Charles De Gaulle and introduced him to Sir David Tang. We attended a special party at the China Club, meeting many special people.
Visited Paris Photo in November, meeting Claude Picasso again, with hopes of exhibiting Cubist portrait of Picasso at the Musee Picasso.



Attended a special dinner of Mitterand and family and the Pinault family, owners of Chateau Latour.
Visited Elizabeth Taylor’s special auction of her jewelry with Rene Frank of Cartier. Photographed them and stayed at the Intercontinental Hotel, the oldest and largest hotel in Opera, Paris.
Received an original portrait of Salvado Dali from Marie Goldenberg by her father, at her special dinner party.
Exhibited at the Artist Exhibition in Kamimeguro and experimented with kakejiku art.


三浦哲也主催のテストキッチンHで東京オリンピックスタジアムの建築家・隈研吾をプライベートディナーでエマヌエーレ・フィルベルト・デ・サボイア王子に紹介。隈研吾はSociety de Savoiaから最優秀賞を受賞し、2019年5月26日にホテル椿山荘で行われた授賞式でも名誉賞を受賞。


Visited Monte Carlo for a charity event, raising money for the restoration of the designer,Eileen Gray’s home on the coast of Monte Carlo, hosted by Prince Albert of Monte Carlo, invited by Toshio Ogane. Was invited to a special award ceremony for Madame Zepter by the French Ambassador to Monte Carlo at the residence of her husband, entrepreneur Philippe Zepter.
Visited the casino at Monte Carlo with Ukranian artist, Zoia Skoropadenko.
Photographed Maestro Riccardo Muti for 12 pages of Kateigaho magazine, plus Charlotte de Rothschild at the Imperial Hotel.
Introduced Tokyo Olympic Stadium architect, Kengo Kuma, to Prince Emanuele Filbert de Savoia at a private dinner at Test Kitchen H, sponsored by Tetsuya Miura. Kengo Kuma received thehighest award from the Society de Savoia and I received an honorary award also at the award ceremony at Chinzanso Hotel, on May 26th 2019.

Attended Paris Photo and visited Le Train Bleu, Musee Picasso, and photographed Princess Belquis Zahir for a book.
Encountered an extraordinary taiko drummer, Eva Kestner, and collaborated together to create the Harlequin of Love and Hope, and photographed her at Hachijo Island and Jogashima, which were the first photographs of the Harlequin of Love and Hope.


各地で隈研吾を撮影し、読売新聞に連載。フリーズ・アート・ロンドン雑誌にも掲載される。オリンピックスタジアムを見下ろすヘリコプターで隈研吾を撮影。 雑誌ディスカバー・ジャパンからも毎月隈研吾の雑誌のフォトグラファーとして任命。憲仁親王妃と隈研吾が日本外国特派員協会での「想像力の宇宙」個展オープニングレセプションに出席。
岩手県一ノ関市を訪れ、愛と希望のハーレクイン、太鼓奏者エヴァ・ケストナーを撮影し、また、ホテル椿山荘、フジテレビ本部、丹下健三のオリンピックスタジアムで彼女を撮影する。 2021年6月にスパイラルホールで特別回顧展も交渉。

Photographed Kengo Kuma at various locations for the Yomiuri newspaper. Photographed Kengo Kuma from a helicopter overlooking his Olympic Stadium, which was published in Frieze Art Magazine in London. Discover Japan asked me to photograph Kengo Kuma every month for their magazine. Princess Takamado and Kengo Kuma attended my opening reception: Universe of an Imagination at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan. 
Visited Ichinoseki in Iwate prefecture, photographing the Harlequin of Love and Hope, Eva Kestner,and also photographed her at Chinzanso Hotel, Fuji TV Headquarters, and Kenzo Tange’s Olympic Stadium. Negotiated a special retrospective show at Spiral Hall for June 2021.



Visited Japan Tourism Board, Dentsu Casting, Setouchi Triennial Art Festival director Fram Kitagawa, arranging future collaborations with the Harlequin of Love and Hope.
Held the special Retrospective Exhibition at Spiral Hall, Omotesando/Aoyama (June 12-24, 2021).
Negotiated a special exhibition for Karuizawa New Art Museum, fall of 2021.
Published new book of surrealist images, portraits, and experimental images.

© 2024 by Benjamin Lee

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