From 1969 to 1972, Lee attended Ryerson Polytechnic Institute in Toronto, Canada to study photography. During his freshman year, he won the grand prize for the Ryerson Photographic Award amongst all the students in the school. After studying psychology at the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom, Lee began his photographic career in London in 1977. He started the Benjamin Lee Studio in Soho, London, United Kingdom. While working with global advertising agencies such as J. Walter Thompson, Saatchi and Saatchi, and Doyle Dane Berbach, he began taking portraits of renowned individuals, including hat designer Stephen Jones, lead developer of the hydrogen bomb Edward Teller, violinist Yehudi Menuhin, Sir Henry Moore, Sir John Hegarty, fashion designer Bruce Oldfield, Sir Charles Saatchi, and fashion designer Manolo Blahnik. In 1985, he won the Ilford International Portrait Competition for his portrait of Stephen Jones with the innovative triptych style photography. In 1987, he moved to Japan and was introduced by the president of the Royal Academy, Sir Hugh Casson, to Shikanai Nobutaka, CEO of Fuji Sankei Group and founder of the Hakone Open Air Museum, and photographed him. He was also commissioned by British Vogue to photograph fashion designer Rei Kawakubo, designer Issei Miyake, architect Arata Isozaki, designer Eiko Ishioka, and architect Ando Tadao. In 1989, he photographed sculptor Churyo Sato. In 1996, he exhibited “The World of Churyo Sato” at Fujita Vente in Tokyo. Lee then published his own photo series: “Odyssey.” He exhibited at the Canadian Embassy in Tokyo and Isamu Noguchi Plaza in Sogetsu Hall. In 2010, Lee exhibited the Churyo Sato exhibition at the Miyagi Museum of Art. In 2012, Yayoi Kusama appointed him as her main photographer for magazines features. He photographed New York and Dubai for Kateigaho’s Travel Story series and also photographed one hundred top artists from all over the world for Pen Magazines’s new book, “The Creative Place.” In 2014, Lee made the Universe of an Imagination Exhibition of Yayoi Kusama and published a catalogue of his works featuring Yayoi Kusama. In 2021, he exhibited his retrospective exhibition at Spiral Hall.
Lee received the British Design Art Direction Award twice, and also the grand prize in the Ilford Portrait Photo Contest.
His published works include “Odyssey” and Pen Magazines’s “The Creative Place” featuring one hundred top artists.
1969~72年、トロント(カナダ)のライアーソン・ポリテクニカル・インスティテュートで写真を学ぶ。 1年生で写真コンテストで全校生徒の中から一等賞を受賞。その後、世界屈指の名門オックスフォード大学で心理学を学び、1977年としてロンドンで写真家としてデビュー。 1977年、英国ロンドンのソーホー地区にベンジャミン・リー・スタジオを設立。グローバル企業(ジェイ・ウォルター・トンプソン、サーチ アンド サーチ、ドイル デーン バーバック等)の広告写真を手がける一方で、彫刻家ヘンリー・ムーア、帽子デザイナーのスティーブン・ジョーンズ、物理学者のエドワード・テラー、バイオリニストのユーディ・メニューイン、彫刻家のヘンリー・ムーア、広告界の実力者ジョン・へガーティー、などの著名人の肖像を撮影。 1985年にはスティーブン・ジョーンの革新的な三枚式ポートレートでイルフォード国際写真コンクールで大賞を受賞。1987年、日本に拠点を移し、ロイヤル・アカデミーの会長、建築家・ヒュー・キャッソンの紹介を受け、鹿内信孝(フジサンケイグループ会議会長、箱根彫刻の森美術館を設立)を撮影する。 英国ヴォーグ雑誌に委託され、デザイナー/川久保玲、デザイナー/三宅一生、建築家/磯崎新、アートディレクター/石岡瑛子、作家/村上春樹、建築家/安藤忠雄などを撮影。 日本の文化人たちの肖像を撮り始め、1989年から彫刻家/佐藤忠良氏を撮影。1996年、東京フジタ・ヴァンテで「彫刻家佐藤忠良の世界」開催。写真集「Odyssey(オデッセイ)」出版。 カナダ大使館で個展を開催し、2002年には勅使河原宏と話し、イサム・ノグチプラザで草月会館などで個展。2010年、宮城県美術館にて佐藤忠良の写真展開催。 2012年 ムック本「草間彌生を知りたい」メイン・フォトグラファー。世界各地を取材した雑誌・家庭画報の「トラベルストーリー」シリーズ(ニューヨークとドバイ)とともに、 雑誌『Pen』に「創造の現場」と題して100人の世界のトップ・アーティストを撮影し連載。2014年には、草間彌生の「とこしえの愛の部屋」展示会を開催し、カタログも出版。草間彌生と建築家・隈研吾は、 誰よりも撮影した写真家であります。2021年には青山スパイラルでベンジャミン・リー写真展を開催した。
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憲仁親王妃 久子
Princess Hisako Takamado
I have seen many artworks from Benjamin Lee and he communicates the importance of using his own imagination, as well as encouraging us to use our own imagination when appreciating his photography. Freedom of expression is something that all of us have and we can all express it through different art forms. But what I consider a true artist is someone who has the ability to fully express one’s self by perfectly understanding one’s own talent and perfectly utilizing our own abilities, like Benjamin does. There is something that appeals to our hearts today when seeing his work from any year. His art is timeless.
Kengo Kuma (Architect)
What is so amazing about Benjamin is that he can work professionally and produce high quality work not only in Japan, but anywhere in the world.
Kaori Momoi (Actress)
Benjamin really loves people and is an artist who truly respects the Japanese people. He takes amazing photographs of artists who are held in great importance in Japan (and all over the world), and really captures their essence. Benjamin has a very charming, cute, and great personality. I have learned to speak English a little bit, so I am very happy I can talk to him and be friends with him.
Yayoi Kusama (Artist)
What superb images he takes! I am very pleased. Benjamin Lee is an artist who has captured the very essence of my life and my art.
ボッテガSPA 創業者・サンドロ・ボッテガ
Sandro Bottega
Benjamin is more than a great photographer and artist, he is a friend of people. When you meet him, it feels as though you have known each other forever: he emanates confidence, loyalty and vision.
His artworks represent a mixture of contemporaneity and futurism, imagination and reality, the horizon and individual details…we love him for his originality, his uniqueness, his capability to make real the abstract: his artworks will be timeless symbols for future generations.

Contact お問い合わせ
Please contact me for any inquiries, purchases, or bookings.